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Copying Services: 3 Reasons to Bind Your Documents

When you use copying services to print a document, you have several additional options beyond paper quality and ink color. These other options can include hole punching, collating, or stapling. In this post, we want to focus on another of these services: document binding. Document binding also has options, including plastic comb binding, case binding, and spiral binding. There are pros and cons to each of these options, but there are many reasons why binding your printed documents is beneficial.


Binding documents is one of our most popular copying services. Here are three key reasons to include it as part of your next print job.


Professional Image

If you are printing a document that you intend to share with others, it helps to give it a professional appearance. For example, if you are printing a document as part of a professional presentation, binding your pages rather than just stapling them shows your colleagues that you are willing to put in the effort and go the extra mile. A bound document immediately looks more professional, so people are inclined to take it and its contents seriously. Binding also helps you establish a brand identity by using the same cover page, colors, and binding styles for all company presentations and reports.


Protection and Durability

Biding a document ensures that it will last longer than papers that are just stapled together. If you are printing a document that you or others will have to refer back to frequently, you don’t want to lose any pages. Bound pages are less likely to get lost than loose papers or separate from the stack if they are held together by a staple or paperclip.


Organization and Convenience

Bound documents are also easier to organize than loose pages. When taking documents in and out of a filing cabinet or off a shelf, pages can come loose and get confused with other documents. When the pages are bound, everything stays together, so you know you are holding an intact copy of the document you’re looking for. Additionally, bound documents are easier to read, as there is no confusion about what order the pages go in or if any are missing. They are also easier to distribute if you need to hand out multiple copies.


Copying Services | Flash Photo

At Flash Photo, you can access all the copying and printing services you need in one place. Whether you’re printing an important presentation for work or preserving a cherished memory, document binding is the fishing touch you need.


Contact us at 603-526-2400 for more details about all our services.